Friday, January 16

Why I Think Aliens Exist

Friday, January 16
i know its a weird thing to write about but yeah.
Why i think aliens exist. Yes, i honestly believe they exist.

In TVs, They always make the aliens like advanced and
all woosh woosh, a whole lot of shooting and they have weird powers.

I honestly think that's really stupid. Wth. Just because we don't
know about them does not mean that they're all superman and
all wiggly, green, naked, bony, slimy, and have big black eyes.

Firstly, the universe is ever expanding and there's bound to be
another planet that can hold lifeform right?

Are you gonna say we're the only one in the universe that is
ever expanding and we're just like bacteria sized comparing to it all.
We're just luckily living on one of the living planets.
Why not another planet? Well if it was that other planet, they'd
be asking the same thing. "Why this planet?"

And they making alien to be super advanced is a whole lot of Bullshit
with a capital B. How can they say the aliens is the advanced one?
Maybe we are the advanced one. Maybe one of the planet is still
developing. Maybe there's another copy of planet Earth. They're as
advanced as we but of another lifeform.

Maybe all that "i was abducted by an alien" is just a dream. I dreamt i
was falling from the top of a building. It feels pretty real but I'm still living.

The UFOs? Maybe they're the aliens satelite that they sent a long time
ago to see if there are another lifeform. Just like what we did. And we
think its sort of space craft but its actually just a space exploration pod.

Pshaw. Well whatever. Summing it all up. Its just up to you guys to
believe it or not. I had fun writing this. Aliens. There's like my name
in it. Ali-ens. Owh and thank you for reading till this far. It feels
like somesort of University testimonial.

big =______=""""


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