Sunday, January 11

I Remembered

Sunday, January 11
So i'm sick...
meh its not all that bad.
for one, i watched tv and i jsut learned te most awesome thing eva!
(well for me that is)

you guys know that there are millions of alveouli (i forgot how you spell it already =.=)
in the lungs right? well if you stretch it out and lay it on the floor,
you can cover half a tennis court (commence, jaw drop)

well theres more i learned but you guys should watch it yourself.
Body In Numbers, Discovery Channel. Its the only channel i watch >_>

Someone reminded me of Triangle man (its actually The Triangle)
i looked for the mask in my room,
its still there in the same spot untouched for months...
wow how i missed wearing it to school with the white bandana...


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