Wednesday, February 25

Evolution - My Phone

Wednesday, February 25

Me first phone, arr. Pretty small and fits into me hand just nice
(well what phone doesnt?) Truth be told, its me mom's phone
its second hand to me. Arr

Arr.... me 2nd phone and pretty much me's favourite.
The flicking is so addictive, me just cant stop moving me fingers
just for fun. Ai but it broke cause of me being cuai.
Arr, real good seadog there. Yet again, its me mom's phone and
2nd handed to me. Yarr the good old days

Yes, it is me's phone. Just for a day though.
Again, it's me mom's phone however it really never
sticked to me. (well its only one day after all)
Kinda cute and weird at the same time.
Curses them who laugh at me.


And this is my new phone. This time however its not
2nd hand so its actually my first time buying myself a phone.
Though i lost the addictive flicking thing, the camera will
probably be suffice... for now maybe >_>

Lets pray this one lasts longer than the others due to me


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