Tuesday, May 11

Invisible Curse

Tuesday, May 11
Tis is the curse of beauty,
to be judged skin deep.
To be played like a puppet
under the hands of an expert
actor, under the hands of
lust and the doll only to be
blind, deaf and dumb by
the actor.

Tis is the curse of wealth,
to be judged a plenty of things.
To be known of his wealth
and to be close off with hungry
alligators that bite off the gold
and spitting out the love, that is
act out and made out. Pitifully.

Tis is the curse of the kind heart,
to only be manipulated of them black hearts.
To be known as a modern slave
who follows the master's deeds
without question nor hesitation
and only blind by the grateful words
that means dust and sands.

Tis is the curse of being good,
Tis is the invisible curse.


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