Friday, January 22

Optimist, Pessimist

Friday, January 22
I'm sure that everyone has heard of this before :
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining.

Well i'll explain what it means anyways. It means that even a bad
thing has a good thing behind. It sounds so much easier than it's
actually done cause you know when the bad thing is right in your face,
you just can't help and stare back at the bad thing rather than looking
through the bad thing.

Here comes everyone's favorite kind of people--Optimists.
Owh hell yeah everyone will sure to know one or two of them.
They're those people who smile back at their troubles.
They're those people who don't think of consequences.
They're those people who are always on a positive side of the coin.
They tend to dream more and not get stuck into reality so much.

YAY THEM! How can we not live with them?

Now then there's the other side of that coin--Pessimists.
Aww yeah you know them.
They're the people who always look at the bad side of things.
They're the people who thinks that the after effects.
They're the people who thinks the world will end without a cause.
Ok maybe not the last one but whateverlah.

Yeah see I think pessimist are kinda boring ya know and
pretty bad. They tend to take uncertainties comes out with
bad results. Ya know kinda like if there's this chick you like,
you wanna confess to them but them pessimist will think they'll
get rejected flat down and don't confess in the end.

In everything, there's bound to be good or bad answers.
It takes people with balls of steel to take up on that uncertainty
and brace the challenge. Those without balls will obviously
pass it on not "risking" anything to lose when they can gain too.

So grab life by the balls and kick it up high.
Take chances, ignore them doubts.
Well unless they can bring certain death and all.


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