its so lame.
(i wonder if anyone actually gets it)
bah, nvm the title.
I know its kinda late to post this, and i havent
even get to YaYen's birthday.
Ok, i'll make this quick.
Hmm.... well... Choir didnt go so well for us.
But Our Kebersihan Kelas was the best (of course).
we had almost no lesson luckily.
so i'll just post pictures with lame ass jokes
if you dont mind...
Really in a rush.
Our little pride and joy!
Watching little kids march....
Our 2nd pride and joy.
No, not Michelle and Zhao. Its the logo
Man i feel so left out cause its the last one D=
owh, i also went around the hall taking pictures of
people wearing traditional clothes. I just thought that
it was nice of them to wear it you know.
well thats all
Reporter Ali~~~
signing out!
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