Wednesday, July 29

A Walk To Remember

Wednesday, July 29 0
Are you trying to seduce me?
Why? Are you seducible?
That's what i thought... Here goes a 2nd blanket!

Monday, July 20

Painfully Beautiful

Monday, July 20 0
today's a bad day... well actually yesterday but who gives a shit =.=

Painfully Beautiful.

I wonder how many actually understand this in one shot....

I like it when you kick me in the balls.
Sorry bee i don't know what was i thinking ;d

Saturday, July 18

Do You Remember The Time?

Saturday, July 18 0
MJ title. I like the music vid. full stop.

this is gonna make me sound old but i dont care.....

do you remember when i carried you for no apparent reason?

do you remember when we ran to the mall under the rain for my stupid mistake?

do you remember when we squeezed ourself in just to go to another open house?

do you remember when i surprised you and you jump like a friggin star?

do you remember when we sat at some corner just to talk?

do you remember when we have blue talk and love and pointed out "black" and "white" clouds?

do you remember when i held your shaky hand that was injected with fear?

do you remember when we shouted like we owned the world in that empty hall?

do you remember when we cried together because you stab me in the friggin heart and i stabbed you back?

do you remember when i carried you behind me as if we were brother and sister?

do you remember when i touched you and you said i had to marry you?

do you remember when i winked at random girls just for kicks?

do you remember when you commented on me wearing my socks high because it was hot and never commented on me wearing long sleeves?

do you remember when we sat around a squared table and i was wearing a friggin robe and some thought i was lost?

remember you wanted to be a sultan so i bought you my clothe just so you can wear for fun?

remember when i ask you about yourself and all you say is nothing?

remember when we just sang like there's no tomorrow?

remember when you breathe out coffee then i backed off a little?

remember when i tried to scare you but failed.... miserable because you were blur?

remember when i gave you a fake name when you first came?

remember when we spent just walking around the mall just the 2 of us like lovers?

remember when we spent time eating ice cream and with the night street lights from the dashing cars to accompany us?

remember when we played under that umbrella?

remember when we pretended that we were half naked at the pool when were actually at home?

remember when you randomly scolded me and suddenly said you felt good?

remember when we tried to prank call you by saying "i wanna fuck you"?

remember when we are the wide greens jumping and talking like it was the ultimate goal?

remember when i promise alot of shits but in the end it never came because of me too?

remember when you fell flat at the ice rink and you said my presence made you fall?

damn seriously i feel old
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